101+ Fun Things to Do While Camping

Sometimes, you need fun things to do while camping. Activities that everyone can enjoy after a day on the trails, or in a tent if the weather isn’t great.

Here are some of my favorite activities to do when I’m camping with different groups of people!

101 things to do while camping pin for pinterest

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Active Things To Do on a Camping Trip

tent by the water

Calling all adventurers! Here are some of my favorite active things to do when camping. These usually require some space and good weather to properly enjoy.

  • Hiking – My all-time-favorite camping activity! Hiking is always a great way to spend a day. No matter where you are camping, you’ll find some trails!
  • Frisbee – One of these can make for a fun time while food is cooking or just waiting around for the next thing. Or, make it into a competition with these fun targets!
  • Play soccer – It’s one of those sports that almost everyone has played at some point in their lives.
  • Swimming – If you’re lucky enough to have water nearby, this can be a great escape out in the wild.
  • Kayaking – this can be a ton of fun and ties into the above. They even have inflatable kayaks now for easy transport!!
  • Paddleboard Yoga – It doesn’t get better than practicing your yoga skills on a floating paddleboard. Just be prepared for a few accidental dips…
  • Tubing – Pack the sunscreen and get ready for a day of relaxation on the river.
  • Bike riding – Depending on where you’re staying, this can be a great way to explore new places in nature.
  • Fishing – A relaxing way to spend an afternoon without getting wet.
  • Slacklining – If you ever want to truly find out how uncoordinated you are and have some laughs, try this!
  • Birdwatching – You’ll probably see birds that are pretty different from where you live, and it’s very relaxing. Here are some fun bird-watching books for beginners!
  • Campfire Cooking Challenges – Experiment with cooking over an open fire or with a camp stove, and make it a fun competition with friends or family to create the most delicious campfire meal.
  • Geocaching – Embark on a treasure-hunting adventure by using GPS coordinates to locate hidden caches in the wilderness.
  • Rock Climbing – If you’re camping near rocky terrain, consider rock climbing or bouldering for an exhilarating outdoor adventure. Just be sure you know what you are doing as rock climbing can be very dangerous.
  • Nature Photography – Capture the beauty of the natural world with your camera or smartphone. Try to spot and photograph wildlife, stunning landscapes, and unique plants.
  • Night Hikes – Explore the wilderness after dark by taking a guided night hike, equipped with headlamps or flashlights. Be sure to follow safety guidelines and be mindful of nocturnal creatures.
  • Scavenger Hunt – Create a nature-themed scavenger hunt with a list of items or clues for everyone to find. It’s a fun and educational activity for all ages.
  • Yoga or Tai Chi – Practice yoga or tai chi in a peaceful outdoor setting. These mindful activities can help you connect with nature and reduce stress.
  • Trail Running – If you’re an avid runner, hit the trails for a more challenging and scenic workout. Trail running offers a unique way to explore the natural surroundings.
  • Environmental Cleanup – Give back to nature by picking up trash around your campsite or on a nearby trail.

Things To Do When Camping as a Couple

couple cooking while camping

Camping as a couple presents unique atmosphere to spend time together and have some fun away from regular life.

Here are some great ways to spend time with your significant other out in nature

  • Cook a meal together – the challenges that can arise doing this out in nature make for a good time. Make it more fun by taking turning it into a cookie contest. Who can come up with the tastiest campfire desert?!
  • Ask Each other 100 questions: Put the phones away and use these questions to dive deeper into your relationship. I promise you’ll learn something new about each other no matter how long you have been together!
  • Build a campfire together – it can be quite the bonding experience and perfect way to relax in the evening.
  • Share a canoe / kayak – what better way to see the sights on the water? You will definitely learn a thing or two about teamwork while paddling…
  • Do some stargazing – spread out a tarp with a double sleeping bag and enjoy what we miss in the city.
  • Share a hammock – it’s a great way to cuddle if sharing a sleeping bag isn’t your style.
  • Take a picnic – Having a packed meal out in nature is a great bonding experience and a ton of fun. A fun picnic basket makes this even better!
  • Play Outdoor Games – Bring along games like cornhole, horseshoes, or a frisbee to enjoy some friendly competition and laughter.
  • Storytelling – Take turns telling each other stories around the campfire, whether they’re funny, spooky, or romantic.
  • Nature Sketching or Painting – Bring art supplies and create your own nature-inspired art. Share your creations and inspire each other.
  • Couples’ Massage – Pack some massage oil and take turns giving each other massages to relax and unwind in the natural surroundings.
  • Sunrise or Sunset Watching – Wake up early to watch the sunrise together or cozy up to enjoy a beautiful sunset. It’s a peaceful and romantic experience.
  • Couples’ Yoga – Practice partner yoga or couples’ stretches to enhance your connection and well-being in the great outdoors.
  • Nature Scavenger Hunt – Create a scavenger hunt list with items to find in the wilderness and see who can find them first.
  • Build a Shelter – Challenge yourselves to build a small shelter using natural materials. It’s a fun and creative activity to work on together.
  • Write Love Letters – Each of you can write a love letter to the other, expressing your feelings and memories of the trip. Exchange them at the end of your camping adventure.
  • Plan Your Next Adventure – Use the camping trip as an opportunity to plan future adventures, whether it’s another camping trip, a road trip, or a bucket list of places to visit together.
  • Create a Bucket List Bring a journal and create a couple’s bucket list together from the comfort of your tent or picnic table!
  • Couples’ Photography Challenge – Take turns photographing the natural beauty around you. Create challenges or themes for your photos and compare your artistic perspectives.
  • Couples’ Map-Making – Chart your camping experiences on a map, noting the places you’ve explored, special moments, and memories created along the way.
  • Secret Message Adventure – Create a treasure hunt or a series of hidden messages for your partner to discover around the campsite, leading to a surprise or a special moment.

Things to do While Camping with Family

fun things for families to do while camping- mom, dad, and two kids having a picnic in front of their tent.

Camping as a family can present unique challenges in finding activities that everyone will enjoy.

I’m here to help! Here are some ways to keep the fun up for a variety of age ranges!

  • Flashlight tag – a sure way to entertain kids, this game is a great way to fill some time at night.
  • Make s’mores – it seems like everyone has done this at some point, with great memories to match.
  • Build a campfire – I know it’s in the above list, but having everyone gather materials can be fun and educational for kids.
  • Play charades – it’s an easy game that everyone knows, sure to entertain!
  • Capture the flag – this one shines with a lot of people, great with extended family.
  • Skip stones – some campgrounds have fantastic bodies of water to hurl stones across.
  • Paint Rocks – A fan-favorite! Bring some paints from home and then go off to find the perfect rocks to paint!
  • Family Scavenger hunt – very easy to do and make educational for kids at the same time. Here are scavenger hunt ideas!
  • Campfire Cooking Contest – Challenge family members to come up with creative campfire recipes and have a taste test to see who can create the most delicious dish.
  • Nature Art – Collect natural materials like leaves, sticks, and rocks to create outdoor art projects. You can make leaf rubbings, rock sculptures, or stick wind chimes.
  • Nature Walk Bingo – Create bingo cards with pictures of wildlife, plants, or natural features that can be found in the area. Have a competition to see who can spot everything first. It’s a fun way to make your nature walks more fun!
  • Campfire Stories – Share stories around the campfire, with each family member taking turns to contribute to a collective tale. It’s a great way to spark creativity.
  • Outdoor Movie Night – Bring a portable projector and a white sheet or screen, and have a family movie night under the stars. Don’t forget the popcorn!
  • Family Photo Scavenger Hunt – Create a list of specific photos to take during the camping trip, such as “family selfie with a waterfall” or “footprint in the sand.” Review the pictures at the end of the trip.
  • Campsite Olympics – Organize a series of fun and silly outdoor games like sack races, three-legged races, and egg toss. Award medals for extra motivation.
  • DIY Nature Journals – Encourage kids to keep a journal of their camping experiences, including drawings, observations, and notes about the wildlife and plants they encounter.
  • Family Campfire Sing-Along – Sing your favorite campfire songs or songs that are special to your family. Bring musical instruments like a guitar if you have one.
  • Cloud Watching – Lay back on a blanket or reclining chair and gaze at the sky, identifying different cloud formations and discussing what shapes they resemble.
  • Solar Oven Cooking – Create a DIY solar oven and cook meals using the power of the sun. It’s an eco-friendly and fun way to prepare food.
  • Nature Sound Recording – Record the sounds of nature, such as birdsong, rustling leaves, or flowing water, and then listen to the recordings around the campfire.
  • Orienteering – Learn basic navigation skills using a map and compass or GPS device. Challenge yourself to find specific checkpoints in the wilderness.
  • Eco-friendly Craft Workshop – Use natural materials found in the environment to create eco-friendly crafts, such as pinecone bird feeders, leaf prints, or rock painting.
  • Star Chart Creation Teach kids about the constellations by helping them create their own star charts and then identifying them in the night sky.
  • Bird Feeding and Watching – Hang bird feeders around your campsite to attract local bird species. Spend time observing and identifying the birds that visit.
  • Build a Natural Playground – Construct a simple rope swing, balance beams, or other natural play structures for children using materials found in the woods.

Almost all of these things can be done right at your campsite, making them perfect for entertaining the whole family. Also great for not breaking the bank!

Things To Do While Camping with Friends

friends sitting around a bonfire while camping

Camping with friends is a great way to really get to know each other and have a blast.

Here are some tried and true ways to have a great time with your buddies out in the wild:

  • Card games – anything from traditional to Cards Against Humanity will be a good time.
  • Drinking games – although they require some extra prep with a table, brews, etc. they are sure to please.
  • Drawing games – Telestrations is sure to provide some laughs, especially when it’s dark and alcohol has likely been involved.
  • Spelunking – you’ll want a guide to do this right, but this activity can really give your trip some adventure!
  • Campfire Karaoke – Sing your favorite songs around the campfire, taking turns to perform your best renditions.
  • Outdoor Trivia – Test each other’s knowledge with a round of outdoor-themed trivia questions. You can prepare questions in advance or use a trivia app.
  • Outdoor Movie Night – Set up a portable projector and screen, or hang a white sheet, and watch movies or TV shows under the stars.
  • Capture the Flag at Night – Play a thrilling game of Capture the Flag in the dark, adding an extra layer of excitement to the classic outdoor game.
  • Group Hike or Nature Walk – Explore the surrounding wilderness with a guided group hike, sharing in the beauty and discovery of nature.
  • Cooking Challenge – Have a cook-off where each friend or group prepares a dish with a specific ingredient or theme, and then everyone samples and judges the results.
  • Storytelling Contest – Take turns sharing your most captivating or humorous stories by the campfire, with a prize for the best storyteller.
  • Geocaching Adventure – Embark on a geocaching treasure hunt, using GPS coordinates to find hidden caches in the area.
  • Survival Skills Workshop – Learn and practice essential survival skills like fire-starting, shelter-building, and navigation. It’s both educational and entertaining.
  • Night Photography – Experiment with night photography, capturing long-exposure shots of the night sky, campfire, or other subjects using a DSLR or smartphone.
  • Murder Mystery: Grab a murder mystery in a box and spend the night solving the crime!
  • Campfire Skits or Talent Show – Organize a talent show or perform skits around the campfire, taking turns showcasing your skills or entertaining stories. It will surely lead to some laughs and great memories.
  • Survival Skills Challenge – Test your group’s outdoor skills by conducting challenges like fire-starting competitions or wilderness first aid demonstrations.
  • Outdoor Art Workshop – Bring along art supplies and create nature-inspired art. You can paint landscapes, make nature jewelry, or try other artistic projects.
  • Outdoor Games Tournament – Compete in a variety of outdoor games like horseshoes, bocce ball, or cornhole, and keep score to determine the camping champion.
  • Ghost Story Contest – See who can come up with the most spine-tingling ghost story. Share your tales around the campfire to set the mood.
  • Camping Mixology – Experiment with campfire cocktails and mix drinks using natural ingredients and campfire techniques. Bring it up a notch with this fancy travel mixology kit! Don’t forget to enjoy responsibly.
  • Cooking Classes – Have one of your friends teach a cooking class on a specific dish or cooking technique that can be prepared over the campfire or camp stove.
  • Beer or Wine Tasting – Bring along a selection of craft beers or wines and have a tasting session around the campfire. Discuss the flavors and enjoy some snacks to pair with your drinks.
  • Natural Tie-Dye Workshop – Use natural materials like leaves, berries, and flowers to create tie-dye designs on white clothing items or bandanas.

Final thoughts: Fun Things to Do While Camping

reading a book while camping- fun things to do when camping

These are some of the best things to do while camping. That being said, you’ll want to check out different campgrounds and what amenities they offer to really plan ahead with some activities.

This can really take some of the headache away of finding out the fees for renting a kayak on the spot or that a part of the campground is closed. No one likes surprises like that.

Also, no matter who you’re camping with it’s all about enjoying spending time together. From the seemingly mundane things like setting up camp to the adventurous things like exploring a cave.

Don’t forget to clean up after your group before leaving the campground. I’m sure you’re a responsible camper (you are, aren’t you?) – but part of making the experience great for other people is leaving a pristine campsite. Plus, it’ll help you not forget that cooler by the tree.

I hope that this list has given you some fun camping activities to try on your next trip! Happy camping!


Hey hey! I'm Jordan, a full-time elementary teacher with a side of freelance writing/travel blogging. As much as I LOVE to travel, I also enjoy routine, being home, and sleeping in my own cozy bed. Anyone else?  Enter...weekend getaways! I'm hoping you find this to be your one-stop-shop to plan your next USA weekend trip (with or without your pup).

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